The Rock makes it Debut

22 06 2012

The infamous rock from my fair city is in place in its new act display at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and will officially be revealed this Sunday June 24th!!! To celebrate the museum is giving the residents of all the cities the rock passed through , including mine, free entrance into the museum for a week starting Sunday. I plan on taking advantage of the opportunity to see the rock and I will take photos, of course! Let me know if you hear about the Rock(someplace other than here). I think the amount of publicity this boulder has gotten is hysterical!



2 responses

26 06 2012

Your rock was on our LOCAL news yesterday. I was amused and amazed.

22 06 2012
Paprika Furstenburg

I’ll keep my eyes and ears peeled on the news. I know it was on the NYC news when it was being moved.

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